Sunday, December 20, 2015


Understanding HIVE

Hive is a data warehousing infrastructure based on Hadoop. Hadoop provides massive scale out and fault tolerance capabilities for data storage and processing (using the map-reduce programming paradigm) on commodity hardware. Hive is designed to enable easy data summarization, ad-hoc querying and analysis of large volumes of data. It provides a simple query language called Hive QL, which is based on SQL and which enables users familiar with SQL to do ad-hoc querying, summarization and data analysis easily.
It is also to be noted that
  • Hive is not designed for online transaction processing and does not offer real-time queries and row level updates. It is best used for batch jobs over large sets of immutable data (like web logs).
  • Hive is not designed for online transaction processing and does not offer real-time queries and row level updates. It is best used for batch jobs over large sets of immutable data (like web logs).
Getting Started:
We will be using the same data that we used in our hive tutorial. Namely, files batting.csvand master.csv.

Data Source:

Accessing Hue
You can access HUE from the entering the address
Login Id : Hue
Pwd : 1111
Uploading Data
Data is uploaded into the directory user/hue from the HDFS file system. The steps to upload the files into this directory are available on my previous blogs.
Once the files are uploaded they should look like this

Step 1 –  Load input file:

We need to unzip it into a directory.We will be uploading files from the data-set in “file browser” like below

In Hue there is a button called “Hive” and inside Hive there are query options like “Query Editor”, “My Queries” and “Tables” etc.
On left there is a “query editor”. A query may span multiple lines, there are buttons to Execute the query, Explain the query, Save the query with a name and to open a new window for another query.
Step 2 – Create empty table and load data in Hive
In “Table” we need to select “Create a new table from a file”, which will lead us to the “file browser”, where we will select “batting.csv” file and we will name the new table as “temp_batting

Data has been loaded, the file (batting.csv) will be deleted by HIVE.

We execute the following command, and this will show us the first 100 rows from
the table.

Step 3 – Creating a batting table and transfer data from the temporary table to batting table

Step 4 – Create a query to show the highest score per year
We will create a query to show the highest score per year by using “group by”.
 SELECT year, max(runs) FROM batting GROUP BY year;

Step 5- Get final result
We will execute final query which will show the player who scored the maximum runs in a year.

Hope this tutorial helps you in running the Hive Query Language for calculating baseball scores.

Thank you !!!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Workings on APACHE PIG in HADOOP

Previously we have seen how to write our first hadoop program now lets execute out first PIG program in hadoop

Learning PIG.....

Apache Pig is an open-source technology that offers a high-level mechanism for the parallel programming of MapReduce jobs to be executed on hadoop clusters

Pig enables developers to create query execution routines for analyzing large, distributed data sets without having to do low-level work in MapReduce, much like the way the ApacheHive data warehouse software provides a SQL-like interface for Hadoop that doesn't require direct MapReduce programming,
The key parts of Pig are a compiler and a scripting language known as Pig Latin. Pig Latin is a data-flow language geared toward parallel processing. Managers of the Apache software foundation's Pig project position the language as being part way between declarative SQL and the procedural JAVA approach used in MapReduce applications. Proponents say, for example, that data joins are easier to create with Pig Latin than with Java. However, through the use of user-defined functions (UDFs), Pig Latin applications can be extended to include custom processing tasks written in Java as well as languages such as JAVASCRIPT and Python.
Apache Pig grew out of work at Yahoo Research and was first formally described in a paper published in 2008. Pig is intended to handle all kinds of data, including structured and unstructured information and relational and nested data. That omnivorous view of data likely had a hand in the decision to name the environment for the common barnyard animal. It also extends to Pig's take on application frameworks; while the technology is primarily associated with Hadoop, it is said to be capable of being used with other frameworks as well.

Objective : 
We are going to read in a baseball statistics file. We are going to compute the highest runs by a player for each year. This file has all the statistics from 1871–2011 and it contains over 90,000 rows. Once we have the highest runs we will extend the script to translate a player id field into the first and last names of the players.

For free flow and continue along with the blog data can be downloaded from the following link.

Like our previous blog run the hortonworks from the virtual box and after running it open the following link to do APACHE PIG , URL:

Login Details : 
Login : hue
password : 1111
You get to the hue screen as shown below and go to the file browser.

Once you have opened hue screen, navigate to file browser and upload the two csv files.

Once the files are uploaded click on the PIG icon on the top left corner of your screen to go to the PIG script page.

We need to write the following code and save it.

batting = load 'Batting.csv' using
raw_runs = FILTER batting BY $1>0;
runs = FOREACH raw_runs GENERATE $0 as playerID, $1 as year, $8 as runs;
grp_data = GROUP runs by (year);
max_runs = FOREACH grp_data GENERATE group as grp,MAX(runs.runs) as max_runs;
join_max_run = JOIN max_runs by ($0, max_runs), runs by (year,runs);
join_data = FOREACH join_max_run GENERATE $0 as year, $2 as playerID, $1 as runs;
DUMP join_data;The explanation of above code is as follows:-
  1. We load data using a comma delimiter.
  2. Then we filter the first row of data.
  3. Iteration for batting data object.
  4. We should group the runs of each player by the year field.
  5. We then join the runs data of highest scoring player to obtain player ID.

Once the script is ready you hit the Execute button to start the job and it will show the job running status

Job Status
To  access this page you can either go to the job id which is displayed in bottom of the page when it says that the job is running successfully or go to Query History on the top left besides my scripts.

Once it is success you will get the following screen

Output will be obtained like below

Conclusion & Learning:
By this we have completed our task of executing the Pig script and obtaining the result of which player has highest runs from the year 1871 to 2011.

Excecuting First Program in HADOOP


Hadoop is an open-source software framework for storing data and running applications on clusters of commodity hardware. It provides massive storage for any kind of data, enormous processing power and the ability to handle virtually limitless concurrent tasks or jobs.


Computing power. Its distributed computing model quickly processes big data. The more computing nodes you use, the more processing power you have.
Flexibility. Unlike traditional relational databases, you don’t have to preprocess data before storing it. You can store as much data as you want and decide how to use it later. That includes unstructured data like text, images and videos.
Fault tolerance. Data and application processing are protected against hardware failure. If a node goes down, jobs are automatically redirected to other nodes to make sure the distributed computing does not fail. And it automatically stores multiple copies of all data.
Low cost. The open-source framework is free and uses commodity hardware to store large quantities of data.

Scalability. You can easily grow your system simply by adding more nodes. Little administration is required


Currently, four core modules are included in the basic framework from the Apache Foundation:
Hadoop Common – the libraries and utilities used by other Hadoop modules.
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) – the Java-based scalable system that stores data across multiple machines without prior organization.
MapReduce – a software programming model for processing large sets of data in parallel.
YARN – resource management framework for scheduling and handling resource requests from distributed applications. (YARN is an acronym for Yet Another Resource Negotiator.)
Other software components that can run on top of or alongside Hadoop and have achieved top-level Apache project status include:

Pig – a platform for manipulating data stored in HDFS that includes a compiler for MapReduce programs and a high-level language called Pig Latin. It provides a way to perform data extractions, transformations and loading, and basic analysis without having to write MapReduce programs.
Hive – a data warehousing and SQL-like query language that presents data in the form of tables. Hive programming is similar to database programming. (It was initially developed by Facebook.)
HBase – a nonrelational, distributed database that runs on top of Hadoop. HBase tables can serve as input and output for MapReduce jobs.
HCatalog – a table and storage management layer that helps users share and access data.
Ambari – a web interface for managing, configuring and testing Hadoop services and components.
Cassandra – A distributed database system.
Chukwa – a data collection system for monitoring large distributed systems.
Flume – software that collects, aggregates and moves large amounts of streaming data into HDFS.
Oozie – a Hadoop job scheduler.
Sqoop – a connection and transfer mechanism that moves data between Hadoop and relational databases.
Spark – an open-source cluster computing framework with in-memory analytics.
Solr – an scalable search tool that includes indexing, reliability, central configuration, failover and recovery.
Zookeeper – an application that coordinates distributed processes.

In addition, there are commercial distributions of Hadoop, including Cloudera, Hortonworks and MapR. With distributions from software vendors, you pay for their version of the framework and receive additional software components, tools, training, documentation and other services.


We have to execute java coded MapReduce task of three large text files and count the frequency of words appeared in those text files using Hadoop under Hortonworks Data Platform installed on Oracle virtual box.


First install the  Oracle virtual box and then install hadoop in the virtual box and the installation will take some time.In the mean time have a COFFEE BREAK!!!!
After the installation whenever  you want to do something using hortonworks hadoop you need to click on start button in the virtual box which will take some time and give you the screen as below after the completion of installation

After installation process and obtaining the screen as above your system will become very slow don't panic because hadoop requires so much of RAM so I request you to have atleast 6-8 GB of RAM to run hadoop,if you cannot afford buying a system but hungry to learn BIG DATA check out the AWS service which comes with a certain trail period

Copy paste that URL in your web Browser which opens a window and go to the advanced settings and start the hortonworks
It will ask for a username and password
username: root
password: hadoop(but while typing password you will not see the cursor moving don't worry just type hadoop and press enter)
As we have java codes ready we need to create these java files using linux vi command. After editing the document we need to give the following commands to save and exit the editor shell. :w for writing and :q to quit from editor window and come back to shell box.
Please look at the editor window opened in my shell using

 Below screen is where I edited my, and files.

Once your java files are ready for execution we need to create one new folder to save our class files which we are going to compile from java codes.
After creating a folder for class files. We have to execute the following code from shell.

javac -classpath /usr/hdp/ -d WC-classes
javac -classpath /usr/hdp/ -d WC-classes
javac -classpath /usr/hdp/ -d WC-classes

By using the code above we will be able to create class files of SumReducer, WordMapper & WordCount
What these programs essentially does is : we are having three large text files with lot of words. We are going to reduce this humongous task using reducer and mapper program

As we now have class files of SumReducer, WordMapper and WordCount we should create jar file using the following code.
<code> jar -cvf WordCount.jar -C WCclasses/ .</code>

Next step is to create folder in hdfs file system using the following commands.

<code>hdfs -mkdir user/ru1/wc-input</code>

After creating this folder we have to upload files using hue file browser using in our web browser.
After uploading files through file browser. It looks as follows.

Now its time to execute hadoop jar file. Let’s use the following code for doing the same.
hadoop jar WordCount.jar WordCount /user/ru1/wc-input /user/ru1/wc-out

After it is executed without any errors we need track the status of application in the all applications page using
The screen looks as follows

 In this step we should see succeeded in the respective application. After confirming the success status we should open hue file browser where we will see a new folder created called wc-out2 (which we have given in shell command prompt).

 In this folder there will be two files called success and part-r-0000. The part-r-0000 is where we can check the output of the program and how many words are there and what is the frequency of each word occurred.

Thank You !